Sunday, August 09, 2009

Aún no lo sabes, pero te ví.
Te vi caminando por la calle en la noche.
Yo iba en carro.
Las luces nos cegaron un poco, pero eras tu.

Yo sé que eras tu.

Porque así caminas.
Así te vistes.


* How do you overcome the distance?
(We felt so real.)
* I could place the stones in your way.

[I want to have a real dream]

* The past is always waiting for the present to come.
(Take me with you.)
* You should be prohibited.
[You are never close enough]



At 8:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is sad to read all these lines...and it's sad because they're written for someone that makes you feel strong things, strong enough so that you feel like witting all your emotions down...strong enough that it breaks your heart cause you feel amazing things for the author and you don't know who's the one that inspires her, who's the one that she saw walking, who's the one that she's waiting to knock on her door, who's the that she's asking for an always been sad...but also happy, cause I can see that your heart still feels, that your eyes can still cry, your mouth can still kiss, your arms can still hug...I haven't feel different about you, you'll always be the most tender, lovely, caring and beautiful woman that I've known...I hope that on your birthday somebody makes you smile, cry (but with tear of joy), give a hug, fire your heart and give you a tender kiss...I did a present for you which I think I'll never be brave enough to give it to you

from the distance, where I can be yours with no limits at all, Happy Birthday


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